Monday, July 20, 2009

"living your life in hushed tones"

Diese Perle flatterte heute in meine Mailbox: Stafford Hildred und Tim Ewbank beschreiben in der 2006 erschienenen Biographie des Schauspielers Martin Shaw, wie seine Berufswahl vonstatten ging: "In many lessons Martin floundered and he had no real clue what sort of a career he might choose. 'I don't think acting was ever thought about,' he said. 'The only thing I was any good at was English language and I certainly enjoyed poetry. Everything else I was equally bad at and when the careers officer came along the only thing they could come up with was librarian and I thought, 'Oh God!' The prospect of living your life in hushed tones clearly did not appeal". Danke für den Hinweis an Andrea Sabine Schmid!

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