Monday, February 14, 2005

Habe gerade eine interessante Neuerscheinung entdeckt: "The Image of Librarians in Cinema, 1917-1999" von Brenda und Ray Tevis, erschienen im Februar 2005 bei McFarland. Das Buch ist chronologisch geordnet und befasst sich mit der Darstellung von Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekaren in (vor allem amerikanischen und britischen) Filmen von der Stummfilmzeit bis ins 20. Jahrhundert.
Aus der Beschreibung: "From its earliest days to the present, the onscreen image of the librarian has remained largely the same. A silent 1921 film set the precedent for two female librarian characters: a dowdy spinster wears glasses and a bun hairstyle, and an attractive young woman is overworked and underpaid. Silent films, however, employed a variety of characteristics for librarians, showed them at work on many different tasks, and featured them in a range of dramatic, romantic, and comedic situations. The sound era frequently exaggerated these characteristics and situations, strongly influencing the general image of librarians".

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