Friday, February 06, 2004

I just browsed the catalogue of Harrassowitz publishing house and found very interesting books. One of my areas of collection emphasis is dictionaries of various languages. My most "exotic" ones are - so far - "Japanese - English - Sinhala" and "Indonesian"; the most beautiful one is a French "nouveau petit Larousse illustré" from 1938 with many illustrations. At Harrassowitz', I spotted the following which I'd really like to purchase: a "concise dictionary of Akkadian", a Tartar - German dictionary, an Aramaic - new Hebrew dictionary... and: the "Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der vogulischen Schriftsprache" (~ retrograde dictionary of Vogulian literary language).
I never heard anything of Vogulian before, so I googled a bit: Vogulian is part of the finno-ugric family. More precisely, it is one of the three ugric languages, which makes it similar to Hungarian, actually most similar from all finno-ugric languages. It is also called Mansi(c) and is spoken by only five-thousand people living in parts of Sibiria, east of Ural.

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